Effects of parent residency arrangements on primary school-aged children


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Family Matters article

September 2000

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Prevailing wisdom has it that following marital separation or divorce boys will be disadvantaged and girls advantaged when the resident parent is the mother, and that girls will be disadvantaged and boys advantaged when the resident parent is the father - a concept described as the 'same sex tradition'. This paper examines the effects of different parent residency arrangements on the growth of competence and self esteem in children of both genders resident with parents of both genders, and compares these children with children from two-parent households. (Journal abstract) 

Prevailing wisdom has it that following marital separation or divorce boys will be disadvantaged and girls advantaged when the resident parent is the mother, and that girls will be disadvantaged and boys advantaged when the resident parent is the father - a concept described as the 'same sex tradition'. This paper examines the effects of different parent residency arrangements on the growth of competence and self esteem in children of both genders resident with parents of both genders, and compares these children with children from two-parent households. (Journal abstract)

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